Everyone knows that silver is a pretty soft metal, but it’s also amazingly conductive, and that’s why it’s used so much in electronics. The problem is, using heat to harden the silver reduces the number of materials on which it can be applied because it would cause them to melt. Thus, a new process that uses ultraviolet light at room temperature to harden the silver would allow silver ink to be printed and hardened onto virtually any surface, which might mean, the electronics industry is finally on the path to creating flexible and other exotic-material based electronic devices.
Product sample. Image: Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
To print silver onto a surface, it first must be made into an ink of sorts, which typically involves making a resin (liquid material that hardens under certain conditions) that will not only stick to the surface to which it’s being applied but allow for the ink to exist in a liquid state so that it can be squirted or squeezed out of a nozzle. And that apparently is the key to new ink, it’s in the materials used in making the resin, though of course the company isn’t divulging just what they’ve done to make that ink, as they prefer to reap some profits from their work. But the bottom line is, once the
silver ink is laid or sprayed onto a
surface, they shoot it with an ultraviolet light and it hardens in just 0.3 seconds. And because a manufacturing process that uses ultraviolet light would be much cheaper and simpler than one that relies on heat, prices for such
circuit boards should go down resulting in lowered prices for consumer products that use them.
More information: Press release
? 2011 PhysOrg.com
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